Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Tweet To A Blog

Just when I think I can't be surprised by the power of social networking...yep, something happens that surprises me. After several months, I went back to my twitter account and used it for taking notes during a Symposium. The next day, a friend twittered a workshop that I couldn't go to and I got insights I otherwise wouldn't have. I was pretty happy with that, and wanted to keep some activity up, so I decided to pick my research blogs back up and twittered a few links to remind myself to post them. I didn't think anything of it. Today I got a note that I had a new follower on my twitter. I checked the profile, and it is a breast reconstruction surgeon in San Antonio. Must have picked up my tweet on the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Now that is pretty cool. He appears to be an active blogger and posts lots of great information, so I will advertise his blog while I'm thanking the amazing aspects of social networking. He also is on Facebook.

Breast Cancer Reconstruction Blog,

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