Monday, August 17, 2009

Genetic Alliance Advocates Partnership Program

Just received this news about great opportunities for more advocate work. It would be an honor to attend either of these events. Plus, I've never been to Hawaii!

Genetic Alliance invites you and your colleagues to apply for one or both of the upcoming Advocates Partnership Program opportunities at:

American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting
October 20-24, Honolulu, Hawaii

National Society of Genetic Counselors Annual Education Conference
November 13-15, Atlanta, Georgia

The Advocates Partnership Program provides you with:

* participation in every aspect of the conference
* amazing access to the genetics community
* exclusive daily briefings with professionals
* waived, full registration to the meetings
* up to $250 reimbursement for transportation, hotel room, or airfare

Where do you and your interests fit in the overarching field of human genetics?
ASHG is the premier conference to meet people who work in all areas of human genetics, including research, industry and policy. Come and participate in educational, scientific, and social discussions about the entire translational research pipeline.

Have you ever wondered what genetic counselors do, besides interpret genetic information?
NSGC is the place to learn more about the issues affecting genetic counseling and how strengthening the relationship between genetic counselors and advocacy groups is a win-win for everyone.

To apply, please fill out the application and return it to no later than Friday, August 28, 2009 for ASHG and Friday, September 11, 2009 for NSGC.

For more information and program requirements please visit:

If you have any questions, please contact Tetyana Murza at or (202) 966-5557 ext. 205.

Good News About Wine!

An article in Business Week (August 14, 2009) suggests "Wine May Shield Breast Cancer Patients from Radiation Side Effects",

This is an Italian study, so surely no biases exist, right? Anyway, I am content to see a pro-wine study. heh heh I'll have to check the actual study data to find out if it matters if it is red or white wine.